CoRE is about the transition away from fossil fuel-based energy and material systems. And it is about climate solutions, that bring jobs, restore ecologies and moves us towards a more sustainable renewable energy industry in the US. To advance new solutions, we are piloting a change agent program to build trust and collaboration across large scale institutions like academia and industry and community leaders. 

Through CoRE’s change agent program, we want to build a diverse coalition that re-imagine the factory of the future in ways that transform industrial landscapes.  We will use sustainability as a lens for new ideas that help companies and communities approach challenges differently. The typical business case for sustainability is cutting costs, attracting and retaining talent, enhancing reputation. 

But innovation should be on the top of the list!  Innovation that is more inclusive and regenerative by design---allowing for adaptive management that continuously enables more social and ecological benefits to emerge in response to critical societal challenges we collectively face. When sustainability is framed in a way that connects with people’s core needs and values, it has the opportunity to unleash creativity and empowerment in ways that traditional thinking does not. We want to create new definition of success.

Meet our team of leaders (click to Our People in Action) building new programs that will change our industrial landscape. 









Factories are like scary monsters. Inside the factory workers feel guilt. Outside the factory there is a larger reality that asserts itself, like finite resources.  Or the fact that frontline neighborhood communities often face higher risks to pollution and poverty –the opposite of what we collectively want --- which is more opportunities for more people.


Imagine a new type of factory where efficiency, productivity, and maximizing the return on capital are balanced with creativity, passion for the community.